Monday 26 May 2014

Review: YSL Glossy Stain #11

Hi everyone,

Today I'm going to be doing a review of the very popular YSL Glossy Stain. They seem to be raved about by everyone and their mother, so I was really excited to finally purchase one of these beautiful stains!

The colour I went for is a very bright, fuschia-red, number 11 Rouge Gouache. This stain is absolutely beautiful, but beware, if you do not like your lips looking glossy, you will not like this stain! It has a floral scent, which I love! The texture is nothing like I've tried before. I applied one light layer, let it set and then applied another layer for the full affect. It feels quite strange on the lips I must admit, however its staying power is amazing!

You can buy this from MyerDavid Jones or Mecca Cosmetica for $52.

Lucy xx